March 29, 2024

Pam Anderson

More than thirteen years ago, Pam Anderson went into the hospital for a routine colon surgery. The surgery went well, and Pam thought she would be discharged from the hospital that same day until she began to feel intense heartburn. Pam awoke six days later to her husband saying,  “Hey babe, you’ve had a heart attack.” She learned she had suffered a heart attack and went into cardiogenic shock. At the time, physicians informed her family she had a 10% chance of survival.  

The cardiologist inserted the Impella® heart pump to support Pam’s heart and allow it to rest for six days. After a month in the hospital, her heart sustained no injury. She did, however, require  physical therapy to learn to walk again. While she wants women to know that there may be a  period of depression and believing things will not be normal again, she says it’s not always a bad thing because you appreciate life even more once you come out of it.  

Heart recovery has allowed Pam to spend precious time with her husband, three daughters, and her 10 grandchildren. All within a short drive she can see them often, which means the world to Pam because family is the most important part of her life. Her health is better today than it was prior to her heart event. Pam also spends her time sharing her story to help even just one person who will experience a similar heart event.


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